How to arrive to Naturlandia?

OPTION 1: Own vehicle

Address: crta. of La Rabassa, km 8, sector level 1600 and km 16, sector level 2000.

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: From November 1st to May 15th, in the Principality of Andorra it is mandatory to circulate with special equipment in case of snowfall or icy roads.

OPTION 2: by taxi

Central taxis of Andorra: (+376) 845 555

OPTION 3: with public transport

The two lines that directly serve the parish of Sant Julià de Lòria are the Express Bus (Sant Julià de Lòria-Escaldes) and the L1.
You can check the national regular lines that connect Sant Julià de Lòria with the rest of the country:
Once in Sant Julià de Lòria, there is the Fourth Bus, which will take you to Naturlandia:

Indications from November 30, 2020 to April 5, 2021

Naturlandia Access: Line Q2

Naturlandia winter season. Recommended Quart Bus:

  • Sant Julià de Lòria at Naturlandia cota 2000: 10.00h
  • Naturlandia cota 2000 in Sant Julià de Lòria: 2.30pm

Naturlandia high season (Easter 2021 - See calendar). Recommended Quart Bus:

  • Sant Julià de Lòria at Naturlandia cota 2000: 10.00h
  • Naturlandia cota 2000 to Naturlandia cota 1600: 2.30pm (This bus also goes down to Sant Julià de Lòria).
  • Naturlandia cota 1600 in Sant Julià de Lòria: 6 pm

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